Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thank you all...

Thanks to all those kind souls who are finding a way to help our neighbors (not to mention suppliers) in Nashville and all middle TN ... whether by making donations to the American Red Cross or in things as simple as a prayer or kind thought .

WillowProducts and the survived the 15 inches of rain, partially by the Grace of God and partially by being located away from the rivers that flooded thousands in middle TN, the worst being in Nashville and it's suburbs.

And the bad news for many is that they lost nearly all their personal property, many losing their life or a loved one. Unlike a tornado or house fire which insurance covers with replacement values, flood insurance has to be purchased through the federal government. Most homeowners don't have it because of cost, difficulty in getting coverage, and lack of knowledge.

For them, they'll be stuck oweing a bank for a house which is now uninhabitable due to structural damage and mold, pretty much the same as Katrina victims experienced.

If you can help by making financial donations, then please do so. If you can't do that, then say a prayer. If you can't do that, then think kind thoughts. If you can't do that then please re-evaluate your importance in the physical world.

Mobile: Gary Overman

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